PCMC called Chelsea back and from the sound of it,they seem ecstatic about the project! Really the only "rule" they are asking is that all things be wrapped/sealed. Keep this in mind with food items. Be sure to get items in a personal size. You don't necessarily have to stick with these food items, but something not too sweet would be best. Talking with the Beckstrands, we both agreed we rarely ate, and when we did the last thing we wanted was something with sugar.
This is the list for one basket. We learned there are actually 44 rooms, so multiply the list by 44 and we'll have what we need. :)
1 Box of Granola Bars
2 Trail Mix (Personal Size)
2 Goldfish (Personal Size)
6 Fruit Leather (At Costco you can get a box with 48 individual leathers for under $10)
Breath mints/Gum
Small Eye Drops (Visine)
3 Pens & Journal
Fleece Blanket for the parents (47" x 57" OR 42" x 52"- Try and go for the bigger one :) )
2 Pairs of Socks (preferably with grips on the bottom)
2 Toothbrushes
Small lotion (non-scented if possible)
Playing cards
Disposable Camera
If you feel there is something else you could donate that we haven't thought of, feel free to send it.
*We're in process of setting up a Paypal account, we're hoping to have it up and running in the next few days.
*All donations or packages can be sent to
Chelsea Beckstrand
1198 Pleasant View
Rexburg, ID 83440.
Remember the list is only one basket. Whether you feel you can donate a box of fruit leather, chapstick, or your time by helping us put together the baskets, it will all be greatly appreciated.
We received a few comments about people making a basket where they live. We thought that was very sweet. Would you be willing to e-mail me before you donate it? Chelsea and I would love to send you a personal letter to place in the basket.
As of right now, we'll be compiling the baskets Friday December 17, 2010 at Madison Middle School in Rexburg Idaho. We haven't designated a time yet, but we hope to soon. Madison Middle school has been kind enough to jump at the offer and we felt it was a great way to let students serve. A big thanks to MMS!
Again thank you for the support. I know there will be many grateful families. Our goal is 44, but if we can we would love to make more.
Ash....can I call you Ash?!! :) I would be sooo honored to help. PCMC has the most amazing doctors and nurses. They went above and beyond doing everything they could to save our Jack. So PLEASE count me in. I live about 15 mins away and would love to help in anyway I can. PS...thank you for you sweet comment. I look up to YOU more than you know. :) Here's to "someday" seeing our little angels! Loves, Tif
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, my family is not in a financial position to help, nor are we close enough to volunteer. (Although I would love to) I did mention to Chelsea about a coupon blog I follow. Deals are posted all the time for items that you are looking for for these baskets. A lot of the time, you can get some of these items free. I will definitely keep an eye out for the items you are looking for, so I can let you or Chels know. The blog is hip2save.com
ReplyDeleteGlad you have so much help and support with this project for Kayden and Preslee!
Would love to help!!! I will see what we cant do and send it! I hope to be there to help on the 17th. Thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited you heard back from PCMC. This sounds so wonderful and everyone is so excited to help! I can't think of a better way to celebrate Preslee's birthday than in the service of our fellow men! "When we are in the service of our fellow men we are only in the service of God." Mosiah 2:17 so great Ashley.
ReplyDeleteOh yes and the primary program was so great yesterday. I think it is the greatest Sunday of the year. So eventful. luv it:)
Great I am so excited to help!
ReplyDeleteLet the shopping begin!!! :) So happy to help! I remember seeing some journals on clearance at TJ Maxx, maybe they are still there! I also have some money from hair bows I made and sold in honor of your lil' monkey a month or so ago so I can donate that now as well.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
Ash, What are you putting the stuff in? bags, baskets?
ReplyDeleteAunt Nic
yes! That will be so great!! I am excited I hope I am home that weekend so I can help..sorry it takes forever to get through to people! you're awesome can't wait to see them
ReplyDeleteWhat about Deoderent and a brush. I would love to donate money since I live in Utah and can't help put baskets together..
ReplyDeleteHi there! I am not sure what you are putting the items IN but I own a small home based embroidery business and would love to help. What would you think about bags to carry all of the "stuff"? I would love to donate 44 tote bags with some sort of inspirational quote embroidered on it. Any ideas for the quote? If you don't need the bags I can donate 10 large fleece blankets. Please let me know.
ReplyDeleteMy sister had one of her Autistic twins at PCMC for 10 days awhile back and I know how much these bags will be appreciated and NEEDED. It's fabulous that you are organizing this. Thank you!
this is amazing I am thrilled to be a part of it! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Blessings
ReplyDeleteDonna from Massachusetts
Ash - I want to do a fleece blanket and then I can donate some food items. I'll probably get gum/mints because it will be easier to ship. Maybe Kash can get his school to give him some visine for free? I'll ask him. I'll try to get these done asap! Do the fleece blankets need to be double sided?
ReplyDeleteI would love to put a basket together! I live in Utah though, so I will email you when it's finished and bring it up to pcmc myself if that works. My email is Ashley@Shupe.net if you want to contact me with any other details. Thanks for this opportunity!!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that I can be in Rexburg by then, but if not I will donate some money or an item! (I am thinking that you are going to get more then 44 :))
ReplyDeleteLove ya ash!
Would toiletries like shampoo or conditioner come in handy? What about nail files?
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I will be happy to join you on the 17th and we will get some donations together as well and get those sent off. This is a great idea. Good luck.
Kathy G.
What about hair stuff like a comb or brush. What about ponytail holders? What do you feel about getting donations of toothbrushes from dentists? (It will have their name on them, that's why I ask)
ReplyDeleteare you allowed stuffed animals for the kids or no?
ReplyDeleteYou can count on me! Our daughter got very sick as an infant and was rushed to Phoenix Children's Hospital with no chance for us to collect anything. We were the recipients of a similar basket when we arrived at the hospital, and it was such a blessing. You're awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great thing that you and chelsea are putting together. I would love to be a part of it and put them together. Just let me know when and where!! Love ya, you are amazing ;)
ReplyDeleteYou don't know us, but we would love to help. Count us in for December 17th if it is afternoon. We live in Arizona but turns out we are flying to Idaho Falls that morning for Christmas break. I will keep checking back for a time but will plan on bringing my family and putting together and basket/bag or two.
ReplyDeleteLiving in Colorado will prevent me from being there to help but once your paypal account is up and ready for donations I will send you some money so you can fill in the gaps with what you need. I also posted on my facebook - linking your blog so that my friends can help out financially as well! You are an inspiration to us all. May Heavenly Father continue to pour out his blessings upon you as well as the assurance that you will see Preslee again.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Bekki
I have followed your blog and am completely in awe of your strength and beautiful testimony! Count me in to send some items...wished I lived closer to be there to help.
ReplyDeleteCount the Sommer clan in (me and all the kids 11 of us total to help put them all together! It will be such a fun special day to remember Preslee! We love you!
I'm not sure how far Rigby (I think that's where you are) is from the Boise area. I live in Star. I'll have to look that up because I'd love to be there in person to help and support but if not, as someone else said, I'll send a check to Chelsea's address you listed to fill in the gaps with what'd you'd need that you might not get in the end. You ARE an amazing woman, example, mother, wife, etc. etc. Bless you always for your righteous influence on us all!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to help! I live in California, near Sacramento, so I won't be able to help put the baskets together:( but I will be sending the items you asked for! I have said it before and I will say it again, this is just such a great idea and such a wonderful way to celebrate your beautiful Preslee's Birthday!
We will definitely be sending a few things along - I wish we could be in Rexburg that day to cheer you on, but we're in UT. If you need help transporting them to PCMC let me know!
ReplyDeleteI was looking over the blog and it looks like ponytail holders got left out some how. So for those who refer back to comments we are in need of them to complete a basket.
ReplyDeleteChelsea Beckstrand
I called my dentist (Mike Elison, the best!) and we will donate 88 mini toothpastes. I hope that will work out even though they are smaller but if there is two per basket than maybe that will be enough. Would you let me know if you think you want more and I will try to get more.
ReplyDeleteDo you maybe need baskets on your list as well or were you putting them in something different...Just checking.
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet. Good for you for doing this.
I was thinking that any extra food could be taken up to the 3rd floor parent room for the parents to eat. They also need lots of donations there too. I will donate lots of stuff AND be there to help put them together! Love the idea-you guys are great!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing that you both are doing. I'm in and I will get started with gathering the items that I can.
Jenni Jones-Ohio
I am so excited to help you with this! I also posted about your amazing idea on my blog and on Facebook! I'm going to round up as many people as possible to help with this! You are an amazing person and no one will ever forget how special Preslee was!!
ReplyDeleteWhat about using the large size reusable shopping bags instead of a basket? Then it could be included in the items list. I second the ponytail holders and deodorant. I needed both of those things desperately.
ReplyDeleteI posted this to my blog and on my fb page. You are going to have way more than 44!
I wondered about Book of Mormons,??? and possibly some type of soft music???
ReplyDeleteWill be watching for your PayPal account. I'm in California but am more than willing to help with a donation. Thank you for your continued inspiration.
ReplyDeletecount the Christensen Clan in. We would love to be there in honor of little Preslee. Thanks for letting us help. MIchelle Christensen
ReplyDelete48 decks of playing cards, as well as 60 new ponytail holders are being sent to Chelsea's address (they should arrive on or before November 9th). I hope this helps in some small way. This is a beautiful idea. May Heavenly Father continue to give you the strength you need to make it through today, and the hope to make it through tomorrow. You and your sweet family are in our constant prayers.
Cassidy Clark (Mike and Sicily's sister-in-law)
I think deoderant, and a small hairbrush would be nice too. I disagree on the book of Mormon, since not everyone is LDS. I to will be watching for your paypal account.
ReplyDeleteCan we donate money to help towards the supplies? Let us know if you get a PayPal account set up or if we can just mail a check?
ReplyDeleteWinCo has 50" x 60" fleece throws for $2.78!!! One complete basket (minus the basket =]) is on the way!!!
ReplyDeleteWinCo has 50" x 60" fleece throws for $2.78!!! One complete basket (minus the basket =]) is on the way!!!
ReplyDeleteI mentioned this idea in my comment on your original "Pay it Forward" Post and wondered if it's something you'd like me and my cardmaking friends to do: How about 5 to 10 blank Thank You cards and envelopes for each basket?
ReplyDeleteMy friends and I would be happy to make them and I could meet up with you the day you deliver them (I'm in UT) to get them into the baskets/bags and help you deliver them all.
We are meeting next Thursday and I will propose the idea to them then if it's ok with you. Just let me know and we'll get started!
Watched Oprah on Monday and thought of you. Such a sad but inspiring story. It is better watching it, but here is the article. Maybe there is a link to the video.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you always
I posted about this on my blog. I hope it draws attention to it for you so you can have more help for Kayden and Preslee's cause. I think you such an amazing person for looking beyond your own trial and pain and looking to help others. I came across this quote on a blog of my friends sister-in-law who also lost her child. Mother Teresa said,
ReplyDelete"Missing someone gets easier every day, even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will."
I think it's great and hopefully it helps you. :)
Thanks for being, inspirational and for being, you.
Hi, I commented earlier about this.... My dentist donated over 100 trial size toothpastes and 88 tooth brushes. The toothbrushes are very simple but would definately work. I have them at my house and will get them to you, we live close by.
ReplyDeleteWhen it gets closer to the date (maybe Dec. 1st) will you please post a list of the items you might need to complete baskets?? I'll wait til then to cover items you are short on. I need some Pay it Forward blessings!
ReplyDeleteHello, this comment is mainly for those that are wanting to help but are farther away. If you go on to www.soap.com you can order all kinds of products like the toothbrushes, toothpaste, chapstick, and stuff like that. You can get it sent right to Chelsea's home. ** If you spend $25.00 you get free shipping **
ReplyDeleteAshley our office will donate chapstick and floss (Madison Park Dental Center in Rexburg). I will either get it to your Mom or Terri.
You are awesome.
Ashley-I've been so touched by your story and have commented in the past. I just wanted to let you know I write a blog for moms in the Rexburg area and would love to post about this wonderful idea over there to help spread the word (although I'm sure everyone that reads my little blog probably reads yours too! ;)). Please let me know if that's okay and if so please keep me posted on details of the "big day" in December. You are truly an inspiration and I'm so grateful for your testimony and example. :)
I live in Rigby and would love to help. What time? Also, I make specialty cakes and really have been thinking of something I could do for you. I really want to make a Birthday cake for your little Preslee and since there will be so many people there to help celebrate her life I think it would be the perfect place to deliver it to you. If there is anything you want on this cake to represent your little girl just let me know. I was thinking of a three tier pastel purple color with butterflys popping off it from all over. I want to do this because I have a little girl that is about the age of Preslee and I would want something like this for my little girl. I promise that this is sincere and the Calls can speak for me. If you have any questions or want something specific just email me at eliseraemusic@gmail.com
ReplyDelete(I am donating this cake so don't worry about the cost. Anything you want I will do)
I am amazed! Over ere in England, my heart still aches for you but also with a desire to help. But how? We are looking into doing a similar thing over here...because of you and the way you have affected lives! Thank you to you, your sweet husband and your beutiful daughter. And Chelsea...our hearts are with you too.
ReplyDeleteI hope it all goes well on the day. We will be thinking of you
Karen x
We think about your family constantly & how amazing and strong you are. We love you!
ReplyDeletePatrick and Ashley-
ReplyDeleteI am one of the many "you don't know me's", but I saw this quote and thought of you guys.
"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
I hope this finds you some peace and comfort.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Plan on 6 fleece blankets from me and some friends. Thanks.
ReplyDeletePlan on 6 fleece blankets from me and some friends. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick comment. I've never been to your blog before and it took me a while to figure out you are talking about Primary Children's Medical center. At least I'm assuming..... might want to clarify for future new visitors that's what's going on :) Blessings
ReplyDeleteI'm at student at BYUI with medical problems. I have been in and out of children hospitals and I just wanted to tell you that this simple act of service will help so much. Those kids and families will appreciate this and forever remember it. I just wanted to say thank you for being a great example. It makes me so happy to know people care about these children and their families. Thanks again. I'm excited to help.
ReplyDeletePreslee's story has traveled many miles. The Young Women of the Canyon Gate Ward here in Las Vegas assembled 20 bags that should be shipped out to you today or tomorrow. (sans blankets, sorry)
ReplyDeleteI wish you could have seen the love on their faces as the project, it's history and purpose was outlined. Pure love.
Happy Birthday Preslee!